Colorful Colorado


When the western songwriter Utah Phillips sang of going “out west where the states are square" Colorado was one of the states he had in mind. Actually, Colorado is more of  a rectangle-276 miles north to south and 387 miles east to west.

Some folks say that if you took a giant flatiron to Colorado and pressed downed all the mountains, you’d have a state as large as Texas. There are 54 mounatin peaks in Colorado that reach 14,000 feet high. There are a thousand  more mountains that rise to 10,000 feet, in fact, the state has so many mountains that some haven’t even been named! Colorado is the 8th largest state, and all these mountains easily makes it the highest.

Mountains are only one of the the three major landforms in Colorado. In the east are the plains-huge, flat, treeless expanses of grass. In the centeral and southwest parts of the state are the mountinas. Western Colorado is covered by vast plateau that stretches above the surrounding land.
