Colorful Colorado


Colorado takes its name from the Colorado River. The river was named for the red canyons through which it flows. Colorado is a Spanish word meaning "color red." In 1861, Jefferson Territorial Officials decided that "Colorado" would be a fitting name for the new territory. Colorado is nicknamed the "Centennial State" because it was admitted to the union as the thirty-eighth state in 1876, the centennial year (anniversary) of the United States Declaration of Independence. Colorado is also nicknamed The Silver State, The Lead State, The Buffalo Plains State, Switzerland of America, and The Highest State.


Colorado is located in the rocky mountain region, borderedby the northwest state of Wyoming, the mid-west states or Nebraska and Kansas,on the south New Mexico, and a small portion of the southern state of Oklahoma, and on the west by Utah. The four states, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah meet at one common point none as the Four Corners, which is known as the heart of the American southwest. Colorado is one of the only three U.S. states with no natural borders, the others neighboring Wyoming and Utah.